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  • ErrorOptions



Optional appendDefaultErrorDetail

appendDefaultErrorDetail: boolean

If true the defaultErrorDetail containing the error id + contact link, will be appended to the given detail text.
Default value is false

Optional btnAction

btnAction: Function | ButtonActionType | ButtonActionType[] | Function[]

If it's a function, the dialog will not (!) be closed automatically.
If btnText is an array, this also needs to be an array of the same length with functions & ButtonActions.
Default value is Cbn.ErrorHandler.ButtonActionType.CloseDialog

Optional btnText

btnText: string | string[]

Default value is 'Continue'

Optional criticalError

criticalError: boolean

The default error message is different for critical and non critical errors (user can continue or should try again later, ...).
Default value is false.

Optional detailText

detailText: string

The detail text that is shown for the error.
Can be a simple string or html.

Optional dialogClass

dialogClass: string

Additional class(es) which are added to the dialogs base element

Optional errorId

errorId: string

If given, the error name is shown in the default error details body.
Can be used to show error IDs of failed server responses.

Optional errorName

errorName: string

The name under which errors are reported and grouped in raygun.
The given title is used if this is not given.

Optional errorText

errorText: string

Additional text to report to raygun which won't be shown to the user.
Also it is shown with the title in the console session history.

Optional exc

exc: Error

Exception text and stack (if available) will be passed to raygun

Optional hidePrevError

hidePrevError: boolean

True to hide an already shown error.
If false the error won't be shown if there is already an error dialog visible.
Default value is false

Optional isComError

isComError: boolean

True to send additional SignalR logs with the session log to raygun.
Also sends the browser reported online status with the json obj.
Default value is false

Optional jsonObj

jsonObj: object

An additional JSON object which will be passed to raygun

Optional reportError

reportError: boolean

Report error to raygun.
Default value is true.

Optional rgErrorId

rgErrorId: string

Use this error ID instead of creating a new one

Optional showActionBtn

showActionBtn: boolean

Optional showDialog

showDialog: boolean

Can be used to silently send error messages to raygun.
Default value is true

Optional tags

tags: string[]

Can be used to add custom tags which are sent to raygun

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